Climate Change

We are sure you recognize the words “Climate Change”. From being put on headlines on the local newspaper to being featured on the TV, it is usually portrayed almost as if it were a hurricane coming our way. But what is it really and what potential risks come with it?

What is climate change?

Climate change according to the United Nations is a “long-term shift in temperatures and weather patterns”. These shifts can be either natural such as having variations in the solar cycle or more artificial which humans contribute through activities such as burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas. Human activities like these generates greenhouse gas emissions that almost act like a blanket that wraps around Earth, trapping the heat from the sun and thus raising global temperatures. Greenhouse gasses that cause climate change include carbon dioxide and methane with industry, transport, agriculture, land use, buildings, and energy being among the main emitters.

Hazards of Climate Change

Many people believe that climate change means warmer temperatures and that is true. But did you know that climate change can also mean cooler temperatures as well? This is because just like everything, the Earth is a system and thus everything is connected. Changes in an area can result in changes in other areas. According to scientists from MIT, a rise in greenhouse gasses (while may be causing an increase in global temperature in some parts of the world) is leading to colder winters in the U.S. and Europe. There is no place that isn’t affected by climate change on Earth!

Consequences of Climate Change

There are many consequences to climate change including intense droughts, water scarcity, rising sea levels, flooding, stronger storms, melting ice, and fires. All of these can not only affect the beautiful biomes we have, but also come at the cost of an increasing decline of biodiversity as more habitats are destroyed.

Climate Refugees

Just like how animals are affected by climate change everyday, so are we! We are no exception. Some communities are already vulnerable to climate impacts such as people living in small island nations and others in still developing countries. Sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion have rapidly increased to the point where whole communities are forced to move out of the area to find a new place to call home. It is expected for the number of “climate refugees” to continue to rise.

United Together

All countries in some way, shape, or form is contributing to climate change whether they would like to admit it or not. According to the UN, the 100 least-emitting greenhouse gasses countries contribute 3% of total emissions with the top 10 countries contributing to 68%. To prevent further disasters and even worse consequences for the benefit of all inhabitants on Earth, everyone needs to take climate action.


What did you learn that you have never known before about climate change? As always, stay safe and we will see you in the next one!


[1], Dan Avery For. “Global Warming Actually Causing Colder Winters Because Its Making Polar Vortex Stretch South into US.” Daily Mail Online, Associated Newspapers, 3 Sept. 2021,

[2] “What Is Climate Change?” United Nations, United Nations,


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