Loss of Appetite

Every cat is different. Some may eat more, some may eat less. Some may not eat enough to make you worried. In this blog, I will be giving you some tips on how to increase your kitten’s appetite. Now let’s get into it!

Why would a poor appetite be considered an issue? (Part I)

We all have our off days where we just don’t feel like eating. And even though a refusal to eat is concerning for all pets, this refusal to eat could be more dangerous to cats. This is because cats are considered to be obligate carnivores meaning that they need to eat meat out of biological necessity and their needs will not be met if they have a strict plant-based diet.

Why would a poor appetite be considered an issue? (Part II)

You may be wondering, so what do cats being strict carnivores have to do with the dangers of a loss of appetite? The answer lies in a cat’s biological processes. If a cat does not eat enough, they must rely on their fat reserves for energy but in order for this to happen, the fat must first be processed by the liver which requires adequate supplies of protein which makes up the majority of a cat’s diet. In other words, if a cat experiences rapid weight loss from a loss of appetite, protein supplies will soon be exhausted and the liver will become overwhelmed by the fat causing a condition known as hepatic lipidosis which can in turn lead to liver failure.

What could be the reasons why my cat won’t eat?

There are many reasons as to why your kitten may have lost their appetite. Some of the more common reasons would include toothache, vaccinations, infections, kidney failure, pancreatitis, intestinal issues, and cancer. But sometimes, a loss of appetite may not be caused by the listed possible reasons and instead has been caused by something more psychological such as traveling to unfamiliar places, a change in routine, or psychological issues.

What can I do?

If you do notice your cat experiencing a loss of appetite, always first talk to a veterinarian. And if you do and your cat has been prescribed to eat a doctor-prescribed diet, never starve your kitten into eating a certain type of food. Its better to eat food than no food! However, if illness is the reason why your cat won’t eat, make sure to work with your veterinarian to design the best regimen for your cat. For example, some cats may feel more inclined to eat when offered canned food than dry food. If your cat’s loss of appetite is considered an extreme case though, veterinarians may prescribe appetite stimulates, recommend syringe-feeding your kitten a liquid diet, or recommend a feeding tube.

What if illness isn’t the culprit?

If illness isn’t the culprit, try making your cat feel more comfortable and try feeding different kinds of food such as liver or canned tuna. Sometimes treats such as these can act as appetite stimulates for cats! Remember to only offer these foods in small amounts as large quantities may harm your pet by causing an overabundance of certain vitamins and deficiencies. If your cat still refuses the offering, take the food away and provide fresh food later in the day. Never leave food out as it can harden, become stale, and can began to house some unwelcome bacterium.

A Tip from the Experts

Once your kitten has regained their appetite, many experts recommend rotating your cat’s diet among different brands two to four times a year. The reason for doing so is to help reduce finickiness and to also reduce the chances of your cat developing unwanted food allergies and even intestinal problems. Your kitten may also appreciate a change in food once in a while!


Did you find this useful? Did you find that these tips and tricks helped your cat regain their appetite? Feel free to let us know by contacting us. We always love to read what our viewers have to say! :)


[1] Destanyl. “Why Are Cats Obligate Carnivores?” AvoDerm, 19 Dec. 2020, https://avodermnatural.com/blog/cats-obligate-carnivores/.

[2] Parker, Hilary. “Cat Not Eating Causes and Treatments.” WebMD, WebMD, https://pets.webmd.com/cats/guide/my-cat-wont-eat#:~:text=Instead%20of%20relying%20on%20people,your%20picky%20cat%20to%20eat.


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