Yipper Yapper
Are you an owner of a pupper who just won’t stop yapping (i.e. barking)? Do you wish to train your dog to be more friendly to your local mailman/woman and fellow neighborhood dogs? That is exactly what this blog will go over today!
Just as I have done in the past few blogs, we need to understand why a dog may bark at a stranger before we deep dive into the training. There are four main reasons as to why your dog may be barking at another dog or just a passing stranger. The first is being territorial (if your pup only barks at others when they approach their home or come near you during walks), the second is excitement (barking at strangers with a wagging tail and butt), the third is lack of socialization with people/dogs (being unfamiliar with the stranger and the situation), and fourth is fear (afraid of new people and animals). Below, I will be listing methods as to how to train your pup from barking at strangers.
Strategies (Part I)
The first method is ignoring the bad behavior. It is important to help your dog realize that they will not be rewarded with attention when they bark at strangers or other dogs. Unintentional rewarding of bad behavior can include petting your dog, holding onto your dog, etc. You can train your dog to stop barking at strangers by having a friend pose as a stranger in an area that your pup seems to bark the most. It is important that your friend does not make eye contact and react to the dog when they are barking/jumping. Once the dog stops barking, the stranger can reward them with a treat. When the dog becomes accustomed to this change, make sure to increase the reward once-in-a-while when they greet a stranger respectfully.
Strategies (Part II)
The second method is being stern with your pup. Every time your pooch begins barking at the “stranger”, pull their leash up lightly enough for the dog to be able to sense it and keep on holding the leash up. Do not pull the leash up further if your dog does not show change (you can trust that they can feel their leash being pulled up). If your pup begins barking, give them a stern no while still holding the leash up. Do this a few times and once your dog stops barking, reward them with a treat!
Strategies (Part III)
Another beneficial way to keep your dog from barking at a stranger is by distracting them. Once your pup begins barking at the model stranger, distract them with a noise (examples include jangling keys, whistling, snapping, or using a clicker). Once your dog stops barking and you have gained their attention, instruct them to sit and stay calm. Make sure to reward your pup with a treat after every successful distraction.
Strategies (Part IV)
The penultimate method to train your pooch to stop barking at strangers and other dogs is through what is called the quiet method. The quiet method involves letting your dog bark a few times in the presence of a stranger. After a few barks, the owner will then gently hold their muzzle to stop the barking and say “quiet/stop”. If “muzzling” your pup causes frustration or un-cooperation, you can still attempt this method without the holding. Avoid shouting at your dog as this will only produce negative reinforcement. After your pup has calmed down, take your hand off their muzzle and reward them with a treat!
Once your dog has been trained using one of the above stated methods, you can reinforce the training with this last step: the sitting down and remaining calm method. Train your dog by having a stranger approaching you and your pup as you instruct your dog to sit. If they sit on command, reward them a tasty treat! If they do not remain seated, make sure to correct them and refrain from giving a reward until they get it right.
Thank you for reading this far into this blog. I hope you and many others who read this blog have found this to be helpful! Please stay safe and i’ll see you soon! :)
[1] Pullano, Nick. “How to Train a Dog Not to Bark at Strangers.” PetDoors.com, PetDoors.com, 13 June 2019, https://www.petdoors.com/blogs/dog/how-to-train-a-dog-not-to-bark-at-strangers#:~:text=The%20Quiet%20Method,reward%20them%20with%20a%20treat.
[2] SitStay. “How to Teach Your Dog to Not Bark at Strangers.” SitStay, https://sitstay.com/blogs/good-dog-blog/how-to-teach-your-dog-to-not-bark-at-strangers-1.