Smarter Choices. Better Pet Care.

Our Mission

To learn more about Better Care for Pets’ mission, please visit our About page.

As animal lovers, we would like to share our knowledge through monthly blogs on how seemingly minute things can make a difference for your pets’ well-being, to inform on the amazing things that your furry friend can do, and to raise awareness of issues regarding wildlife. Our goal is to help you transform your pet’s life to the fullest it can ever be, all the while enlightening on issues pertaining to our wildlife!

Dogs, Cats, and Wildlife



Did you ever wonder how you can take better care of your dog and how dogs are able to do extraordinary things such as detect cancer through smell alone? Well you are in for luck! In Better Care for Petsblogs for dogs, we not only go over how you can positively impact your pup’s health and how dogs can do many things that humans cannot. Now what are you waiting for!


Is your cat trying to tell you something that he or she needs but you don’t understand? Don’t worry because in blogs for cats, we leap into many topics on how you can take better care of your kitten and how small actions can leave a great impact on your cat’s life.



Do you think our wildlife is cool? Great! Together we will learn more about our wildlife and the issues that they have to face everyday. Not only that, but we will talk about what we can do to help preserve it as well. All of this will be covered in blogs for wildlife. Hold onto your seats because we are about to get wild!



Veterinarian Q/A

Ever wondered what the life of a veterinarian is like? Here, the Pet Care Club is having a veterinary consultation session with Dr. Wong who specializes in emergency and critical health care to discover what it really means to be a veterinarian. We go over questions such as what you should do in certain situations if they do happen to arise and how to properly care for your pet to ensure they are happy and healthy. There will also be advice that Dr. Wong will share to help you take better care of your pet so make sure to watch until the end. We all had a great time together learning more about the veterinary field and we hope we can share some of that joy with you.


Part 1

Part 2


The Ecology of Marine Ecosystems

In this video, we will be going over how shark fin hunting practices affects the Seal Island ecosystem based on research from various studies. Make sure to like the video and subscribe. We hope you enjoy!